So Obama said some inartful things about the good citizens of Pennsylvania while speaking to some fat cats in San Fran, about which Republicans are supposed to be outraged at the great slight he made to average Janes and Joes everywhere in this country. Do I have the story correct here? That seems to be the common interpretation of my friends on the right. This campaign season has already gone on too long, and we have run out of things to say about this race. That’s why all these little slip-ups take on such great importance. I have no doubt that Obama regrets saying what he said the way he said it, but I’m not really surprised that he would say something like this.
The honesty is refreshing. Wouldn’t we rather have a candidate who tells us how he really feels, instead of this mindless pandering we see every presidential election? What we have here is someone who, despite all of the photo-ops done by both Democrats and Republicans with the cheesesteaks and the beer and various average-Joe activities like hunting, doesn’t really identify with those people. There’s nothing shocking about this revelation. That’s part of Obama’s whole appeal — that he is something greater than all of the average people and that he alone has the ability to rise above the masses and above partisan bickering to actually get things done for the country.
He is different from John Kerry because he can overcome mistakes like this. People will still like Barack no matter what he says, and they will always prefer him to the ultimate Washington insider Hillary Clinton.