Let me get this straight — John McCain’s military service doesn’t qualify him to be commander in chief, but John Kerry’s does? That’s the unusual logic employed by Obama supporter, failed presidential candidate, and retired military guy General Wesley Clark. Surely General Clark remembers his glowing comments about Senator Kerry and his war record, and let’s be absolutely clear about this — Kerry ran on that record until he was derailed by the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth. The Democrats seem conflicted about whether military service matters to presidential candidates. Clinton = No. Kerry=Yes. McCain = Absolutely not. Curious how military service only adds to your qualifications for commander-in-chief if you are a Democrat.
That’s ok though. This is a debate I’m comfortable having with the Democrats all day long. While it’s true that having military service doesn’t automatically qualify you to be President of the United States, McCain’s long record of public service, including serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee, speaks to much more experience than Senator Obama has. So Senator Obama’s surrogates like Clark want to question McCain’s experience. Ha. Go ahead. Do you really want to compare Obama and McCain on overall experience? Good luck.