There are two main issues that Christian conservatives consider important enough to threaten withholding votes from any politician who doesn’t perfectly toe the line — abortion and same-sex marriage. When evangelicals and others hold the line on principle and refuse to endorse a candidate who doesn’t agree with them on these issues, they are called single-issue voters and derided for standing on those principles. These issues are important to me as well, but sometimes we don’t think about the consequences of withholding support from perfectly good and qualified candidates who might be a better bet to win an election. Every one of our divided conservative groups picked a different horse, and McCain got his independents and moderates — at least in the primary. That’s how we ended up with a candidate in McCain that we are still unhappy with, despite the Palin bounce.
I agree with those who say that we should stop trying to make the experience argument for Sarah Palin, even though it doesn’t seem to bother the Obama sheep that their man hasn’t closed the deal with the American people in that category. Her appeal is a broad appeal that has very little to do with her knowledge of foreign policy or her deep conversations with world leaders. It’s all about her personal story — moose hunting, fishing, the NRA membership, her Down’s Syndrome son. She’s a very sympathetic figure, and she is a happy warrior, zinging Obama and the Democrats with a smile on her face. (She does need some more variations in her scripted lines, but other than that, I have no complaints.)
While she has requested and received some earmarks, it is evident that she has made some significant changes in the way Alaska does business. She deserves credit for that. With an sky-high approval rating in Alaska, she must have done something right in her short tenure there. I still think that Palin can learn what she does not know, but unless the Democrats know something we don’t know about McCain’s mortality– McCain will be President on day one, not his VP. Why are the Democrats even worried about Palin’s readiness anyway? All they have to do is make sure Barack overcomes his struggles and wins the election. Not that difficult, right? 🙂
Then the 80% wrong Joe Biden can run his foreign policy. Yikes. This can’t be what the Democrats really want.