all about iraq

Zawahiri’s Advice –power line has a great analysis of zawahiri’s letter here.
Zarqawi’s Losing Strategy–austin bay puts a positive spin on the post-war strategy
IRAQ: Status of Iraq?s insurgency–very balanced look at this subject from the CFR

Can Democracy Stop Terrorism?— this article from foreignaffairs. org suggests that there’s no evidence that it can. he argues that we should encourage all political factions to engage in the process, and that this would result in more stable governments. i agree with this last point, and i hope that’s what we are doing now in iraq.

two slightly different views on the iraqi constitution:
Iraq Parliament OKs Constitution Compromise –from FNC
Iraqi MPs approve charter changes — from the BBC

here are some excerpts from the proposed iraqi constitution. interpret for yourself.

Article 7:

First: No entity or program, under any name, may adopt racism, terrorism, the calling of others infidels, ethnic cleansing, or incite, facilitate, glorify, promote, or justify thereto, especially the Saddamist Baath in Iraq and its symbols, regardless of the name that it adopts. This may not be part of the political pluralism in Iraq. This will be organized by law.

Second: The State shall undertake combating terrorism in all its forms, and shall work to protect its territories from being a base or pathway or field for terrorist activities.

Article 14:
Iraqis are equal before the law without discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, origin, color, religion, creed, belief or opinion, or economic and social status.

Article 20:
The citizens, men and women, have the right to participate in public affairs and to enjoy political rights including the right to vote, to elect and to nominate.

Article 36:
The state guarantees in a way that does not violate public order and morality:
A. Freedom of expression, through all means.
B. Freedom of press, printing, advertisement, media and publication.
C. Freedom of assembly and peaceful demonstration. This shall be regulated by law.

my favorite part of article 65:
A nominee to the Presidency must meet the following conditions:
C. Must be of good reputation and political experience, and known for his integrity, righteousness, fairness and loyalty to the homeland.

i stuck article 65 in because i think these are good qualities we should have for america’s leaders too. we could do worse (and we have) than following these standards for OUR leaders. do yourself a favor and read the whole thing.

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