paradise still MIA

i don’t know if there is anything left to say about the Christmas holiday that hasn’t been already said. there are those who wish to bash consumerism, materialism, and the american desire to spend insane amounts of money on gifts for each other when there is still so much poverty and need in the world. it’s an old story line, and even though there is always room to make a deeper sacrifice to help those in need, we should always be grateful for what we have. for those who believe in God, we can take another opportunity to thank Him for providing for us, and for being everything that we need. Christmas is a great time to reflect on the past year — the things we have gained, and even what we have lost.

in this life, nothing is ever permanent. everything is temporary. material things get scratched and damaged. relationships and friendships begin and end too soon. wasn’t it the bard who said that it was better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all? the sentiment is true. if you risk nothing, you gain nothing. sometimes you win. sometimes you don’t. sometimes you just have to accept that a friendship is over, no matter how much you love that person, and even though you still don’t understand the reasons for it.

maybe none of this makes sense to anyone but me, but it’s something i had to write.

i would also like to thank my current sparring buddies residing here and here for their kind support, and also to a former blogger and duke basketball fan who keeps this conservative honest.

to my former sparring buddy…thanks for the wild ride and the good times. i have no regrets, and i hope you don’t either. i’m sure you will forgive me someday. happy christmas to you.

to everyone else…Merry Christmas!

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