all politics is local (attn: SC residents)

“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”


this is the fight we need to have. i believe that so often most of us, especially conservatives, have gotten frustrated by the political process, and some have even stopped believing that someone who truly represents our values can actually be elected to serve in D.C. i was one of those people once. it’s discouraging what has happened to honest debate over ideas and ideology in this country, and how it often ends up in name-calling and partisan feuding. that’s got to change. conservatives can win the battle of ideas, and we can start one candidate at a time.

fellow conservative readers/bloggers in SC, this is your opportunity to jump into the process and to get actively involved in supporting a candidate that more accurately represents what we believe than those currently in congress. that’s why i’m asking you to support park gillespie, the other republican candidate for SC’s 5th district. he will have a tough battle ahead, but i believe with the support of all of us, he can be the representative that we thought we were electing to the white house. i will be posting further info here once the website officially launches. in the meantime, google is your friend. 🙂

the battle of ideas will be joined in SC’s 5th district. will you be a part of the debate? we cannot sit on the sidelines. it’s time to get involved.

current discussions of the french riots continue below.

by the way… (because i never bury the lead) in case you avoided watching alias, vaughn’s still dead.


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