why the pledge of allegiance doesn’t matter

in the news not related to katrina or SCOTUS —

Federal Judge Rules Pledge Unconstitutional — U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton says that the pledge’s reference to one nation “under God” violates school children’s right to be “free from a coercive requirement to affirm God.”

i disagree with this decision, but not for the reason you would think. my faith in God is important to me, and i don’t think encouraging kids to believe in God is wrong. that’s not what the pledge does. i believe the pledge has absolutely no effect on kids. perhaps you could burn the words into a kid’s head but at that point it’s just words.

saying the pledge sounds good, but what the kids are taught totally undermines its message. the values that the pledge promotes are short-circuited by schools that teach them how bad america is, how damaging religion is, and why we should be ashamed of being the world’s greatest country. that, my friends, is the danger to our children, not the pledge of allegiance.

the pledge of allegiance is irrelevant and meaningless under these conditions. for these reasons, i see no reason to regulate its use at all.

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you won’t see these books on amazon.com

this amusing list courtesy of the usenet comedians at alt.sports.baseball.atlanta-braves.coffeeshop (abridged version)

the world’s thinnest books:

by Jacques Chirac

by Jane Fonda

by Dan Marino

by Bill Gates

by Dennis Rodman

by Al Gore

by Dr . J . Kevorkian

by the EPA


by O . J . Simpson

oppressed minority groups

“george bush hates midgets.” –chris rock, always the sensitive, caring type…

first of all, i would like to thank chris rock for adding another oppressed minority group to our constantly expanding list of those groups. who knows how many midgets are affected by this unfeeling government? and if they had a lobbyist, what special rights would he lobby for?

here are some other groups that should apply for victim status:

  • the cavemen in the geico commercial — who will speak for unshaven, hairy men with bad table manners? oh yeah…beer commercials.
  • smokers — yeah, sure, it’s a disgusting and fatal habit. but this is america…and no one should be prevented from having legal, disgusting, and fatal habits. that is, as long as i don’t have to breathe that air.
  • taxpayers — we give too much of our money to a government that wastes it. if a business spent money the way the government does, the free market would punish it severely.
  • drug users — they just don’t get enough credit or respect in this culture. it takes a lot of effort to be that stupid. we should reward that stupidity by legalizing drugs and creating more drug users. that’s a brilliant idea. more people on crystal meth and marijuana…that’s the key to improving productivity and success in this country.

i’m sure there are other groups i’ve forgotten. feel free to add some. what we need to remember is that our success or failure depends on us, not on washington bureaucrats or government agencies. when we grasp this, we can start taking responsibility for our own lives.

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i would like to congratulate one of my favorite tennis players ever, andre agassi, on making the US Open semifinals. he and james blake played an outstanding match, and i still can’t figure out how andre keeps winning these matches. no matter how it turns out from here, this has been a great run for agassi. should he choose to retire after this tournament, it would be a great way to leave the game. i love his game. always have. here’s hoping that he has two more successful games.

read all about the great match here .

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just a little comic relief courtesy of IMAO

How to identify a terrorist — very politically incorrect.
A Frank Guide to Homeland Security Alert Levels –same as above. disclaimer note: i do not nor will i ever advocate shooting communists or hippies, in case this link confuses anybody. i’ve never actually seen a hippie, although i find their philosophy amusing. all socialist/communist sympathizer arguments should be shot down though.

also going on in the universe:

World leaders offer sympathy, aid –among them the great British PM and U.S. best friend Tony Blair
Qatar offers $100m to relief fund — more updates on foreign offers of aid
Kuwait donates $500 million in oil products for Katrina — apparently not all of their leadership feels the same way as the guy quoted in a previous post.

america has come together in an awesome display of compassion and an incredible level of support for katrina victims and families. we are a country worth fighting for. what we have here is a society worthy of salvation and renewal. even in the midst of all this goodwill and offers of support for the U.S. there is still this belief by some that we deserve bad things happening to our country.

on their best day, the trendy european socialist sympathizers still struggle with healthcare, double digit unemployment rates, and “anti-social” behavior (crime, in other words). when they have figured all that out…then bring out the heavy stones for america’s leadership.

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suggestions for my beloved baseball team

before i get into this post, i would just like to comment on the worthless drivel that is the VMAs. good to know diddy doesn’t need to work out issues with self-esteem. was it just me, or was the whole thing a 3+ hour commercial for the former sean combs? it seemed like r. kelly was lip-syncing…think anyone’s gonna call him on it? what was the deal with that whole skit, anyway? i don’t even want to get into whatever shakira thought she was doing up there.

i’ve noticed a bad trend among male rock stars –green day, my chemical romance, etc — the black eyeliner. just don’t do it. it’s not a good look. that’s time in my life i will never get back. 🙁

ok. back to baseball…
the mets are still hanging around the playoff chase. they have very important games coming up against division opponents. there has been some suggestions about trading steve trachsel for some bullpen help. yes, we do need some. i’m just not sure this is the way to accomplish that goal. of course, we really don’t have many good pieces to trade right now.

i’m not comfortable with our current rotation without trachsel. we have pedro, zambrano (ick), benson, glavine (who has pitched better recently), and seo. this is not a rotation that inspires much fear. i would take my chances with trachsel over zambrano.

as far as the bullpen is concerned, at this point i don’t think there’s anyone out there worth trading trachsel for. even if his value is diminished somewhat, he’s still worth more than a couple relief pitchers.

mr. omar minaya – don’t be a fool. don’t do it. (trade trachsel for scrubs)

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freedom vs. intelligence

freedom, even in america, doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. there has to be some rules. the speed limit. laws about not killing people and/or taking their stuff. laws keeping the government from taking your property without just cause (and no, building a new condo or strip mall doesn’t count as a just cause). laws that make it wrong for you to be under the influence of any intoxicant when driving. these are sensible rules. there’s nothing intrusive about keeping people from following their innate self-destructive behavior.

smoking cigarettes and cigars is harmful and totally legal. crystal meth, marijuana, crank, etc, are also dangerous and damaging, but not legal. addiction to tobacco affects you differently than crystal meth. as far as i’m aware, crystal meth and the other illegal drugs affect you mentally, which ends up being more dangerous than the slow death caused by tobacco use.

peter jennings was admired for the way he handled his cancer. the death of peter jennings deeply affected a few media types, including msnbc’s keith olbermann, to plead with viewers to quit smoking. it’s a worthy goal, and those who smoke should stop as soon as possible.

there was another death recently –that of hunter s. thompson. i never knew the man, but i’ve read the glowing reviews of his life and career. it’s tragic that a man who was so talented and creative would kill himself. the gun directly killed him. his lifestyle shortened his life considerably. i find it amazing that anyone can glorify this kind of lifestyle, when we see how that life turns out in the end. there are many calling for us to quit smoking. i’m still waiting for the anti-drug speech from thompson’s admirers and colleagues.

is it possible that we don’t take drug use as seriously as smoking in this culture? i think so. i also think that this view is a mistake. drug users are parodied in comedy sketches and made fun of for the stupid things they do because of the drugs. maybe we would rather laugh at them than seriously consider what we can do to keep them from destroying themselves. it’s in everyone’s best interest to help drug users break the cycle.

in my view, there is no good reason to take drugs. none. there is also no good reason to remove restrictions from people who want to destroy themselves. so, libertarians, defend yourselves on this one. good luck with that defense.

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stories that will never be on the front page in your newspaper

here are some of my favorite stories of the last few days. hard news has been officially banned from this blog post. read at your own risk.

China gives ‘web addicts’ shock treatment
the first internet addiction hospital –wave of the future?

Stone the cows? Russia uses pot as animal feed
you just can’t make this stuff up.

DB offers free beer to celebrate birthday
which doesn’t sound too bad until you find out what kinds of beer that includes

Man robbed on sidewalk – of $2 and McDonald’s breakfast
truly pathetic soul. but what we really want to know is –what was the guy having for breakfast?

World’s Worst Driver?
collecting 20 tickets after being freed from jail…words can’t describe the stupidity involved here.

What else would you do with 15 million ice cream sticks?
having too much free time is dangerous. here’s exhibit a.

Police seek diaper-clad man who pesters women
only in london, kids. only in london.

read and enjoy.

random thoughts on current events

here’s an unlikely pair teaming up in iowa — gov. vilsack of iowa and newt gingrich . gee…what’s newt doing in iowa? is he all of a sudden a fan of state fairs? 🙂

shocking news from the world of entertainment — deuce bigalow sequel fails to impress critics. here’s roger ebert’s scathing review . if you really value roger ebert’s view of all movies, read all the reviews here .

just wondering — when will america get over its fascination with bad movies and bad actors? i admit the application of the term is subjective. but we know them when we see them. speaking of bad actors…who missed pauly shore? anybody? even though he had a brief shining moment in encino man, his previous and future work should be fondly forgotten.

msnbc’s attractive and witty bow-tied pundit (otherwise known as tucker carlson) is taking some vicious licks from greenpeace , internet pollsters , and news wonks. rather unfair, if you ask me. i am, of course, totally objective and unbiased.

our favorite anti-war protester cindy sheehan plays hardball with chris matthews . draw your own conclusions.

do the republicans actually have any strong candidates to put up against the alleged democratic front-runner from new york? more on that later.

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