just a little comic relief courtesy of IMAO

How to identify a terrorist — very politically incorrect.
A Frank Guide to Homeland Security Alert Levels –same as above. disclaimer note: i do not nor will i ever advocate shooting communists or hippies, in case this link confuses anybody. i’ve never actually seen a hippie, although i find their philosophy amusing. all socialist/communist sympathizer arguments should be shot down though.

also going on in the universe:

World leaders offer sympathy, aid –among them the great British PM and U.S. best friend Tony Blair
Qatar offers $100m to relief fund — more updates on foreign offers of aid
Kuwait donates $500 million in oil products for Katrina — apparently not all of their leadership feels the same way as the guy quoted in a previous post.

america has come together in an awesome display of compassion and an incredible level of support for katrina victims and families. we are a country worth fighting for. what we have here is a society worthy of salvation and renewal. even in the midst of all this goodwill and offers of support for the U.S. there is still this belief by some that we deserve bad things happening to our country.

on their best day, the trendy european socialist sympathizers still struggle with healthcare, double digit unemployment rates, and “anti-social” behavior (crime, in other words). when they have figured all that out…then bring out the heavy stones for america’s leadership.

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i’ve had just about enough of cindy sheehan.

latest news: other things happened not related to katrina. chief justice william rehnquist died saturday, losing a tough battle with thyroid cancer. read about it here .

like everyone else, i was willing to give cindy sheehan a pass on almost all the crazy, messed up things she has said. she lost a son in iraq who’s not coming back. it must be absolutely devastating to lose a loved one. i can’t relate to that. i really don’t know the way the grieving process works in cases like this. i sympathize with her loss and wish only the best for the remaining family members.

that said, the fact that cindy sheehan is using hurricane katrina to get herself and her personal vendetta against the president more airtime is beyond inexcusable. it’s just wrong. like i’ve said and fellow conservatives have mentioned in their blogs, mistakes were probably made here. cindy sheehan hates president bush. we get it. for heaven’s sake, let’s hear all the information and get all of the facts before we put any heads on a pike!

read what she said on huffington post and marvel at the insanity of it. i applaud the fact that sheehan has been involved in the recovery efforts in new orleans. good for her. however, i cannot excuse her blatant attempt to politicize this tragedy for her own benefit. i disagree with those who say cindy sheehan has been swayed in her beliefs by moveon, michael moore, air america, et al. she believes everything she says without any external persuasion from any group out there.

Here’s a few choice comments.

“950 people in Iraq and how many thousands in the Gulf States died while the emperor strummed a guitar and knocked a golf ball around? ”

“…I really believe that George and his band of incompetent and dangerous thugs need to resign. It would be the only honorable and competent thing to do.”

cindy, please stop this nonsense. you’re hurting your cause and ticking off a lot of people who would normally support you. your efforts to help the good people of new orleans suggest that you are capable of looking at the big picture involved here. keep going in that direction, and don’t let your personal feelings about the president interfere with that process.

some may slam me for piling on cindy sheehan. i’m comfortable with that. i absolutely disagree with the venom in her comments and refuse to make any more excuses for her.

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kanye west said WHAT?

will somebody please buy kanye west a clue? i really don’t know what all these bush haters will do when they don’t have our current president to kick around anymore. rev. al sharpton defended west’s remarks on msnbc to tucker carlson. tucker went somewhat ballistic on the reverend, and good for him. what did west say during the concert/telethon for katrina relief?

kanye west said that george bush doesn’t care about black people. he went into this rant about iraq and that our lack of a quick response to katrina was the result of our iraq policy. wow. of course, this is not a new allegation. it’s been all over the press. there will be plenty of time to pass out blame for the aftermath of katrina. but to say that bush doesn’t care about black people? there is no proof of this, and he makes a fool of himself by that allegation.

nbc and the red cross have both distanced themselves from this statement, as they should. read their statements on michelle malkin’s blog. in the re-broadcast on msnbc, it also appears that west’s remarks were edited.

it’s a good thing for celebrities, athletes, and musicians to use their considerable influence to assist in the katrina fundraising effort. however, we need to stop taking them seriously when they start ranting about politics. i’m not talking about shutting them up, although it might be tempting. i’m talking about tuning them out. listen to their music and watch their movies if you can’t help yourself. just don’t ever allow the vapid, self-absorbed, know-nothing airheads to influence how YOU think. from this vicious critique i exempt everyone at the concert except kanye west…

i just can’t bring myself to condemn the remarks made by new orleans mayor ray nagin. (warning — rough language) they are absolutely inflammatory, but they are produced as a result of frustration with the process. this is totally understandable. his whole city was destroyed. what the heck do you expect him to say? even the media is getting frustrated with the whole situation there. shep smith and geraldo rivera of fox news lost control on air with the ineffectiveness of the system. give them all a pass. they have a closer look at the suffering than we do.

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deplorable. evil. somewhat expected.

this is too evil for words, but not surprising considering the level of venom directed at the U.S. by the muslim-friendly communities in the mideast. this is surprising — it comes from a high-ranking kuwaiti official. i seem to remember some U.S. assistance to kuwait in the past. some thanks we get. sometimes i think this country would be better off leaving all these countries in the blundering hands of the UN and see how that works.

katrina–instrument of allah? (referenced by k-lo at NRO)

it would be just as deplorable if Christian religious leaders said similar things. the obvious point is the insensitivity of these remarks no matter who the source is. now we need to focus on recovery and rescue of those still in the middle of a very bad situation. throwing blame around doesn’t accelerate the process at all. shooting at rescue helicopters or police doesn’t either. i’m one of the lucky ones to never have any experience similar to the one faced by the victims of katrina’s wrath. so, no, i can’t relate to a crisis this massive.

what i do think is that taking food/water/medicine for necessary use is different from taking tv sets or stereos. if the looters can provide some necessities that are not available to people from the feds or local government, i guess i can make an excuse for it. it’s not the same thing as people stealing food from a store under normal circumstances, simply because there are legal channels to get that food and it’s not usually a medical emergency. looters who take stuff like electronics are criminals and opportunists and they should be harshly dealt with. i’m not quite sure if shooting them is a good idea though.

interesting debate going on at The Corner . check it out.

just wondering– are the talking heads at the tv networks, cable and otherwise, providing any assistance to the subjects of their compelling video footage? it’s worth finding out.

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hurricane katrina

i honestly haven’t intended to ignore one of the most devastating natural disasters in U.S. history. it’s just that it’s been covered so well by other bloggers, and they have done a great deal of good coordinating efforts to raise money and provide information to the country. at this time, we all need to come together and do what we can to help.

here are some links/blogs covering katrina. you can find more information there.

Blog links for Katrina survivors and families — from msnbc.com

michelle malkin — she’s linked to just about every other conservative blog covering this.
american red cross
katrina relief info — blogs participating in the cause, contributions and charities also listed.

just save yourself a little time, and go to michelle’s blog. she’s got all the details on the great work of the rest of the blogosphere. americans are awesome, generous people. we get further proof every day of our lives.

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more on iraq

841 dead in Baghdad stampede–CNN

more articles:
Iraq’s Achievement — another perspective on the constitution.
from the economist:
An Iraqi tragedy raises sectarian tension— up to 1,000 possible deaths in Iraq due to a suicide bomb scare.

i honestly don’t know how long i can keep my current view of the situation in iraq. but war isn’t supposed to be war without casualties, right? at some point, i suppose that all of us have doubts. but i’m not ready to change my mind yet.

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suggestions for my beloved baseball team

before i get into this post, i would just like to comment on the worthless drivel that is the VMAs. good to know diddy doesn’t need to work out issues with self-esteem. was it just me, or was the whole thing a 3+ hour commercial for the former sean combs? it seemed like r. kelly was lip-syncing…think anyone’s gonna call him on it? what was the deal with that whole skit, anyway? i don’t even want to get into whatever shakira thought she was doing up there.

i’ve noticed a bad trend among male rock stars –green day, my chemical romance, etc — the black eyeliner. just don’t do it. it’s not a good look. that’s time in my life i will never get back. 🙁

ok. back to baseball…
the mets are still hanging around the playoff chase. they have very important games coming up against division opponents. there has been some suggestions about trading steve trachsel for some bullpen help. yes, we do need some. i’m just not sure this is the way to accomplish that goal. of course, we really don’t have many good pieces to trade right now.

i’m not comfortable with our current rotation without trachsel. we have pedro, zambrano (ick), benson, glavine (who has pitched better recently), and seo. this is not a rotation that inspires much fear. i would take my chances with trachsel over zambrano.

as far as the bullpen is concerned, at this point i don’t think there’s anyone out there worth trading trachsel for. even if his value is diminished somewhat, he’s still worth more than a couple relief pitchers.

mr. omar minaya – don’t be a fool. don’t do it. (trade trachsel for scrubs)

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more analysis of the iraqi constitution

one muslim blogger rips george galloway and those with similar ideas in the iraqi expat blog. to his post, i agree 100%. it goes without saying that george galloway is not helping the cause. it is also very cool that there are in fact muslims that are against terrorism and who encourage others to join the cause and speak up. we need more of them to do so.

in case you were wondering about good things happening in iraq, here’s a report of some. it’s up to us to get the message out, because the MSM has been incredibly negligent here.

for good, (mostly) clean, conservative humor, check out the clever folks at IMAO. i resisted an endorsement as long as possible, but after checking out a couple podcasts, i was hooked. it’s not for the easily offended. there’s your warning.

read. learn. enjoy.

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more ’08 candidates I would like to see

it’s obvious that the media has already decided for us which republicans are going to oppose hillary in ’08. how nice of them to do this. we certainly wouldn’t want the responsibility of picking someone ourselves. however, they are assuming hillary won’t face any serious challenges. that’s a big if, especially if the far-left is still running the party 3 years from now. if they are, i can think of several far-left candidates the democrats should consider for maximum ideological fanaticism and entertainment value. on an “unrelated note”, i really do miss ross perot.

here’s my first ticket and reasons for/against them.

rachel maddow/kent jones
(slogan — we’ll save air america!)

why rachel?

  • she is very smart and argues the liberal side with conviction
  • she ties conservatives in knots with her arguments
  • doesn’t attract special interest money from rich corporations
  • she works with kent jones
  • she opposes the new york yankees, as any good american should

why not?

see above. ms. maddow belongs on the radio as an intelligent liberal counterpoint to the rest of the country.

why kent jones?

  • having a comedian as VP might be fun
  • imagine the press conferences!

why not?

  • both rachel and kent shouldn’t take valuable time from TRMS to run for office where they would actually do less damage.

also receiving votes — the jerry springer/ al franken ticket. think that springer wouldn’t come up with a few reasons to tune in to his media blitz? the testimonials alone would be priceless. i mean, look how many people he’s lifted out of the gutter. you could get a few ads out of that for sure.

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read it for yourself

here’s a link to the bbc’s article that references the current version of iraq’s draft constitution, if you’re interested. there is a link there to a pdf of that draft.

michael barone has a similar perspective to mine on the comparison between our constitution and theirs in his blog. i think i’ve said all i’m going to on this.

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