just a little self-promotion

it has become a tradition in the blogosphere to note milestone posts or blog anniversaries…and i’m all about keeping up with these traditions. so this is the official announcement of the one year anniversary of this blog. thanks to everyone who has commented here. i appreciate it very much.

here’s how this whole thing started:
(from random musings on live 8)

perhaps we have lost our ability to believe in something bigger than ourselves. we can easily lose sight of the bigger picture when we get bogged down in the details. we look at the fortunate fools who still believe and trust in the power of a big dream, and we are envious. we are envious because we used to be where they are. we know better now. we are smarter, too smart to believe, to dream, or to act like our lives mean something. here’s to the ones who haven’t become jaded and cynical enough to settle for being ordinary. dreamers with a plan can change the world. we have seen it throughout history. we can’t all be singers, or actors, or people with a great big stage to influence huge crowds of people. but we all have a part to play. we all can make a difference where we are.

here’s a few more of my favorite posts from the past year(will open in new window):

coming up… thoughts on lamont/lieberman, baseball prediction revisions, and more on the plame affair that wasn’t. stay tuned. 🙂

2 thoughts on “just a little self-promotion

  1. Congratulations! It is great that you want to toot your horn today. What are the most important things you found out during your year of blogging?

  2. Wow. I’m not sure if I can narrow it down that far. One thing would be not to blog when I’m tired or angry. Nothing good can come of that. 🙂 Another thing would be that it’s hard to keep up the quality of the posts when actually working a full-time job. The most important thing I think I’ve learned is to blog about what interests me, and not to focus on what’s popular. It’s easier to write better posts that way…at least in my opinion. 🙂

    Thanks for your comments.

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