one final request

it is time to say goodbye to one of the best shows on TV (in my opinion anyway), ALIAS. rumor has it that someone will die in this final episode. of course there also were rumors that vaughn (or whatever his real name is now) was dead, and we all know how that turned out.

if j.j. has decided to kill off a character, i have one final request. PLEASE LET IT BE SLOANE! at least with the other evil characters, they never pretended that they were otherwise. he killed his own daughter. he betrayed sydney and APO. you can’t end this series without killing sloane.

goodbye ALIAS…a great series suffering a premature death.

if you tuned in for the political stuff, check back tomorrow. 🙂

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2 thoughts on “one final request

  1. That’s a good point. However, since this is going to be the end of ALIAS, I really didn’t see much point in keeping him alive. I liked the way it ended, except for that part.

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