foxes + henhouse = scandal

color me confused. i thought that campaign finance reform was supposed to keep the money out of politics. oops…guess it doesn’t cover lobbyist scum like jack abramoff (via i am not going to join anyone who wishes to defend republicans for taking this guy’s money. just because the guy is a sleazeball and a con artist, that still doesn’t excuse those who benefited from his scams. it’s possible that some innocent people will be caught in the crossfire when all the facts come out in this case, and that’s a shame. we still need to examine the whole system, and demand some accountability from both sides, because we have a serious problem here that cannot be solved by simply changing more campaign finance rules.

the pointing of fingers has already begun. some democrats are guilty of taking abramoff’s money as well. both sides of the political aisle need to put integrity above party loyalty. losing control of Congress in ’06 might actually be the best thing that could happen to the republicans. maybe it would wake them up. they are depending upon the weakness of the democrats right now to save them in ’06. once all the details in this case are known, this may not be enough to keep the republicans in power. it would be wise for the guilty parties to come clean now and to return the money they received or donate it to charity. it may help to restore their reputations, although it may not save their jobs. we shall see what happens with this story. the important thing is that we permanently fix what’s broken in this system.

Don’t Delay, DeLay–NRO editorial
Money, Mobsters, Murder –the weekly standard
Abramoff Pleads Guilty, Will Cooperate–
THE “A-BOMB” DETONATES —michelle malkin