iraqi constitution updates

links of interest:

Numbers Show Iraq Constitution Approval Likely–from FNC
Rice, Iraqi official optimistic about referendum–from CNN
Austin Bay’s Iraqi constitution day recap
Finally, a Smart Iraq Strategy–defending cities and killing insurgents
Iraq’s constitutional referendum-what you need to know about it in a handy one-page summary (would it be too flip to call it the iraq faq? just wondering…)

this is a wonderful development for iraq and its people. getting to vote on their own constitution is something not even americans had the option to do. i am aware of some of the objections to this constitution, and i think that concerns about the role of islam in the law are legitimate. having some skepticism that change is possible and that women’s rights and those of minorities will be protected is certainly understandable based on iraq’s recent history under saddam. i don’t think that this constitution should be feared for this reason. i would like to see those so-called experts point out where exactly this constitution restricts these rights, because i didn’t see that part when i read it.

much has been made of polls about the president’s approval rating and about how the american people feel about the war in iraq. i believe that most of us want to see iraq succeed, and somehow we have lost sight of the bigger picture. this is because we don’t have concrete evidence of progress and tangible proof at our fingertips every single day on our tv newscasts or in the newspaper. the mainstream press contributes to this negativity by putting the worst spin possible on everything happening in iraq and generally ignoring the good that is being done there.

that’s why we as bloggers have such an important responsibility– to provide balance to the MSM and to tell both sides of the story in iraq. we are doing that, and we will continue to do that.

read this from oblogatory anecdotes. it’s inspiring.

related: ( UPDATE 8:57 PM EDT)

all about iraq (me)
Just said my YES –iraq the model
Polls closing, Iraqis celebrating— from Say Anything
Voting on the new constitution — Cao’s Blog
Iraqis Vote for Constitution (A Sad Day for Liberals)— from California Conservative

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