john kerry- potential hillary challenger in ’08?

if anyone thinks that john kerry is still electable, this past election should have proved otherwise. president bush was in a very vulnerable position, and yet kerry failed to capture the country on democratic core issues like jobs, healthcare, and the economy. my uneducated view of this is that kerry’s campaign staff totally butchered his campaign. it was a brutal thing to watch. i could have run kerry’s campaign better than his people did.

the riff about vietnam was a very distracting one. getting war cred is one thing. democrats have always had the burden of proof when discussing strength and conviction in the area of foreign policy. so it’s understandable that kerry would want to use his vietnam service as proof that he had related work experience. where his campaign fell off of the tracks was when john kerry allowed vietnam to define it. vietnam is some kind of ideological struggle for people that doesn’t translate into votes for its war veterans.

the main problem kerry had is that he was never going to win enough of the “average joe” vote. he couldn’t relate to us very well at all. at the end of the day, he reeked of champagne and caviar rather than hot dogs, hamburgers and beer. he tried so hard to be a regular guy and he failed miserably because we saw through the crafted image.

throughout the whole campaign, he couldn’t even inspire his own party, which had been hijacked by hard-leftists like howard dean, michael moore, and the democrats were reluctant to throw their support behind kerry. i doubt there has been anything kerry has done since the election that would convince them that he’s the guy in ’08. if your own party doesn’t support you, that’s a big challenge to overcome when running for president.

john kerry shouldn’t run again. it takes away from valuable vacation time. it forces him to try to be someone he’s not. more importantly for the democrats, they have a better shot at the white house with hillary.

coming up in organized chaos, more on hillary and the expanding number of oppressed minority groups in this country.

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